During a warm August morning on a Wisconsin golf course, Tim delights in playing his favorite course alone. But confusion and terror throw him into turmoil. Back at his hotel, his wife, Serena, and his 10-year-old son, Liam, are waiting for him, unaware that he is in trouble. Their dog, Sammie, rests comfortably beside Liam.

A couple weeks later, Tom's cell phone rings, but the number isn't familiar. He answers, preparing to hang up if it's a nuisance call. "This is Tim," says the voice. He hadn't talked with Tim in months. They worked in the same building but weren't friends. They just shared a common love for sports. That call changed Tom's life.

“A fast, heart-wrenching read, Unexpected Gifts will stick with you for days as you ponder the capriciousness of fate and wonder who in your own life will have the courage to step up during your last year. May peace be with Tim’s beloved wife and son”

“If the golden rule of friendship is being a good listener, Unexpected Gifts is the literary advertisement for comradeship.
The compelling story of two colleagues whose acquaintance evolves and deepens through devastating circumstances is inspirational, and a lesson in humanity.”

“A beautiful and poignant story - masterfully written! To be recommended as a telling and inspirational resource for family and friends of patients struggling with terminal illness …”