Welcome to my journey

A native of Grand Marais, Minnesota, Tom Toftey received his B.S. from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, and his M.A. from the University of Wisconsin -- Madison.

In his careers, he has taught high school English and journalism, worked in communications and corporate relations for the American Medical Association, and formed a consulting company on qualitative research, moderating focus groups and conducting in-depth interviews around the US. Now, he has added "author" to his list of careers.

He has taught writing, spoken at conferences and workshops, and written articles for newspapers and magazines.

His first book, Unexpected Gifts, is a true story about an endearing friendship that grew out of tragedy -- a devastating diagnosis of cancer.

Even before the book was published, advance blurbs called it "poignant and inspiring," "gripping..pulling my heartstrings," “a powerful story of a man's unexpected journey to life's end and the friend who walked beside him," "an enthralling read," and "a book that will have wide appeal...will be loved by book clubs."

Toftey and his wife, Jane, live in Winfield, IL. They are the parents of two children and five grandchildren.

Shortly after my book's publication in February 2024, I told my men's chorus, the Brotherhood of Harmony, that I had written a book. They didn't believe me at first, but that night after rehearsal they signed up to buy copies of "Unexpected Gifts" the following week.

When I arrived with books in hand the following Thursday night, they were enthusiastic -- maybe not quite like this posed photo taken recently of some of the guys trying to grab the book out of my hands -- but anxious to get their signed copy. Nearly every member bought a book. My first sales!